DFA, Grismer pull in the hardware. As a kid on the prairies I remember watching from afar the MMVA's grow from a fairly humble September event into a multi-street June affair (post 9/11 anyways). And while last year's was the first I got to see chunks of in person, THIS year's was the first, inside of it all.
blink pre-party was a mix of hot and cold, with the rooftop patio the former and every other level very much the latter, and thus made things a little awkward-but hey, it's only the opening act after all, right?
Got the wristband and whisked into 299 Queen, which was already teeming with such
star power like Ben Mulroney and, uh, I can't even remember. Here the drinks and food were unlimited in quantity and availability, so kudos to Much for putting on a thorough spread.
Almost immediately ran into Win Butler from the Arcade Fire, and introduced myself and we spent a decent amount of time talking about the band and all things going on. Win was totally approachable, talkative and kind-a class act who I hope can only put together and even better album the next time around.
Following that the Boss and I went into the environment to wish director
Grismer well with his awards, and snapped a photo with his production team and the later
boisterous DFA1979.
Twilight from the balcony
TAF: Full ThrottleThe rest of the night is pretty much a blur of chatting and endlessly running up and down stairs. And when you're inside the show is surprisingly distant. I *did* barge back into the environment and take quite a few shots of the Arcade Fire performance, which from that proximity was tremendous and my personal highlight of the night. Later spotted Dan Lanois apparently gushing to Win and Regine about
after-parties followed, and after-after parties followed that. got a chance to talk to BSS' Drew and Billy Talent's Ian D'sa about their shared sickness of playing their first albums and eagerness for more. Drew promised a solid preview of
Windsurfing Nation on sunday.
Drew & D'sa at SpyRumbled home around 5am, very ok, even great.