Wednesday, October 12, 2005

open city

The Lazers have it their way-instrumental style.

SO the trip back to the homestead, was as always way too quick in passing by, with seemingly the most time spent at any one place on the plane, compared with anything else.

Friday night had me at the previously-plugged-here New Forms festival fundraiser at the newly reno'd Park Theatre on Osborne. The theatre itself is a great idea, combining cheap movies and an available performance space with a fully stocked cafe in the lobby.

Performances were varied and versatile, which I suspect is in line with the Festival's main programming. Highlights would have to include the Lazers, and I rather liked the interpretive dance set to live Sigur Ros guitar action. Best of luck to this year's festival, and the new venue!

Beyond that, lots of time spent with friends, their parents, and new children in some cases. Spent ample time at the Toad, but what else is new?


Blogger T-O-M said...

Thanks again for coming. Sorry it took



so long for us to finally get on.

12:08 PM  

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