Sunday, August 14, 2005

the elbow speaks out

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so James is justified, not that the photographic evidence wasn't enough, but man, that must have been quite the contact (I honestly can't remember a thing! but my elbow does!), but the Uncle is a forgiving and gracious person, which for I am glad 'cause I'm pretty sure he can take me.

dance floor assaults aside, friday was an awesome night at the now-ly official Hangout HQ-the Hangout's Hangout if you will-with thrillingly original work by Robocopp, Pyramid Culture, 100% Wool, and the ultra- short film work of Piers vanTijn. A selection of mine and Sinister Funkhouse's photos here (scroll down). It's also great fun to pretend to be a high roller and pick up a round with a tenner. The Bagel may be small, but it still seems like a great fit.

also, nice to see the pop linking to me now, but could I get another 'L' please? pretty please?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, Paul! We all know that's just a smudge of your lipstick on there to feign empathy!! LOL. As I said before, it's all good, brother. Just keep them $10 rounds flowing! ;)

1:01 PM  
Blogger YO! said...

I wonder if the Bagel serves Cristal...if so I'm buying next time.

5:14 PM  

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