Thursday, February 04, 2010


of this...what started as something pretty casual and sporadic had become very
casual and sporadic, yet...I soldier forth.

Seemed like almost everyone had a blog 4 or 5 years ago...eons, really, in internet time.
But the thing is with blogs, you gotta keep plugging away. And some of us do that a lot
better than others (I'm definitely one of the others) but my big thing is to never...give...

Now, most of that has meant a shift a way from music quasi-reportage to quasi-
personal meandering thoughts. Personal, but not really. And an emphasis on pictures.
Pictures are easy.

With the picture emphasis, maybe some change is in order. A shift to one of my tumblr
blogs perhaps, or something entirely new as it's been years now since I've been a part of
Team Pollution. Time will tell.


Anonymous A.P. Fuchs said...

Five years is a nice run, man. Keep it up.

9:24 PM  

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