Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I (heart) rankings

THE POLL which participated in and run by the friendly matthew over at iheartmusic is now up.

I guess I misunderstood the terms of said poll as I thought it was about records, not so much the artists themselves, so we see acts on there like Arcade Fire, whose LP of course came out over TWO years ago now (I'm pretty milatarisitc on these things, even tearfully disqualifying Spiral Beach due to theirs being a late '05 release...). This is not meant as a dig at matthew or of those polled, but one must wonder if anything fell through the cracks...kudos to matthew to working hard on assembling our thoughts and ramblings

so here's what I put:

10 you say party! we say die! - hit the floor
9 henri faberge & the adorables - s/t
8 final fantasy - he poos clouds
7 glissandro 70 - s/t
6 cadence weapon - breaking kafaybe
5 land of talk - applause cheer boo hiss
4 they shoot horses, don't they? - boo hoo hoo
3 the golden dogs - big eye little eye
2 all of your friends - EP2
1 malajube - Trompe l'oeil


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