Monday, November 07, 2005


Caught Everything is Illuminated this weekend at the Carlton-it's the story of a young jewish compulsive collector who travels to Ukraine to figure out the story of his recently deceased grandfather. Elijah Wood is intensely restrained as Jonathan, a rather shy yet curious individual who gradually builds confidence as his adventure with his guides (an amazingly authentic grandfather and grandson team, played by non-actors) winds further and further out of control.

Adapted and directed by Liev Schrieber, the film has a fairly distinctly non-hollywood feel to it, both in the setting (actually the Czech Republic and not Ukraine), and pacing (which at times, is a little slow maybe-or is it careful?). Definitely off the beaten track, and in a rather dismal year of movies, worth checking out.

Later in the weekend brought A Night Of Colouring at the Drake cafe, which was just that-crayons and various pieces of local art ready to be filled in by those in attendance. Everyone got 12 pieces of art, the choice of 3 colours and a 4th alloted by the event director. Said elements encouraged crayon trading and discourse, from which the following was discovered:

1) there were an inordinate number of former colouring-contest-winners in attendance, including yours truly
2) colouring is very therapeutic
3) though generally seen by adults in black in white terms, there were actually a few people who were kinda into it, but not really-so it's not as polarizing as I thought

next month's event involves custom fridge magnet construction, which stands to be as, if not more interesting.



Blogger Webgrrl74 said...

Seriously... I wanted to go to the colouring night. I've always loved crayons.
Let us know about the fridge magnet thang...

5:26 PM  
Blogger YO! said...

will do

7:58 PM  

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